Wednesday, July 09, 2008

so I should really be in bed but I'm just needing to mull over a few things before I get there.

The DH (that would be Dear Hubby, Darling Hubby or Danged Hubby or even could be Dirty Hubby as in tonight's post) Oh anyway! The DH spent the better part of the evening looking at our broken dishwasher. He had the whole built in thing pulled out, 2 cabinets emptied, and every hose and drain removed. He found broken glass and various other pieces of debris (i'd been wondering where spoon #8 had run off to). Once we cleaned it all out(me & the DH), cleaned it all up(me and my Magic Eraser) and put it back together again (DH only!) I ran it through a cycle with a light load of dishes. Dang it all! It still won't drain properly. DH went to bed before this revelation thankfully. He was so certain this was gonna fix it. And to be honest, we've been down this road before and it did fix it for several months when it wouldn't drain before. Now just never mind both racks are broken and require very gentle caressing to even slide in and out of the washer and hold dishes or that the thing has a recall on it to replace a part that has never given us a lick of trouble, IT IS THE ONLY ONE I HAVE! And since we won't even have been in this house 7 years until the fall, I am not happy. Who ever heard of an appliance (heavy duty top of the line that I paid extra for)only having a 7 year life? UGH! But it is not just me who is unhappy. oh no, I happen to have assigned dish washing to my pre teens and teenagers many moons ago and it seems to work out to be a good chore for them usually. Not so much right now. I am helping but it is just a lot to keep up with in a family of 6 who are here pretty much 3 meals a day every day. not even what's keeping me up tonight. Well, maybe the thought of giving up a vacation time to pay for a new one is (sticker shock I'm telling you!)

No, lots of stuff is just floating around in my brain and I can't seem to settle enough to focus on one or two things.

Zach, the college boy, finally retuned my call tonight. I mean, what? he had to go to classes and work all day or something? well, okay, he's a good boy and actually calls home quite regularly without prompting and he did give me 5min today when I called thinking it was lunch hour but he was still in class. I digress. It sounds more then fairly certain now, he's coming home after graduation and not staying on campus to mentor. He may still go back in a year to do a mentorship in Eastern Europe but for now, he's coming home. Heaven help me. 5 children under my roof. Technically, he is not a child as he celebrates "21" in a few weeks and has been living independant of us for 3 years (oh I kid! we have been footin'the majority of the bills!) but still, 7 people in my home.

DIL and I had a shopping trip planned today to look for dresses to wear to "THE WEDDING", have I mentioned the event? Yes, well. We both have husbands who say that looks fine, that's good without a morsel or twinge of guilt much less a look in our direction when we ask opinion on clothing issues. so. we could not go. DIL got the flu and actually had to leave work early. I was sad as I so enjoy her company and know we would have laughed our heads off trying on zillions of dresses and not finding a one we could be happy with. Our time is running short. A garden wedding in DE July heat. Maybe we should be looking for beach coverups instead!

I've been in a mood lately. Can't really pin it down but it is effecting me in strange ways. Overwhelmed by the amount of housework staring me in the face? Then clean out an entire huge 42 inch three door corner wall cabinet in your kitchen that holds everything you never really found a good place for otherwise (spices,jello, tea bags, hot choc, choc chips, birthday cake decorations, food coloring, extract). follow that up with scrubbing down the entire pantry after removing every item from it and reorganizing it. Or perhaps tonights adventure. Move on to two more wall cabinets and scour the daylights out of them and clean out the medicine bin and recipe one too while you are at it. Did I mention the piles of toys in the middle of the floor? The family room that is an inch thick with dust and a carpet that needs vacuuming? Or the office that has papers not only on each and every surface of the desk, credenza, computer but also a miriad of misc. items that need sorted and returned to their home. I informed the kids at dinner tonight,all 4 of them,we would be cleaning the basment playroom this evening. It never happened! I just can't face it, it's that bad. I baked cookies instead and watched tv! I only got through 2 loads of laundry today and that's not really fair to say as neither are folded yet. Can. not. complete. a. task. I am an inside out cleaner. But still, any plans I make seem to overwhlem me and then I focus on some obscure task, albeit one that does need doing, for hours!

Okay, I'm going to bed now to dream about making a fresh start with lofty plans and goals for tomorrow. I may end up sorting papers in the office for 4 hours though. You just never know how it will roll with me these days.

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