Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Talking with the Hubs

So we had a little bedtime chat tonight. It amounted to this.

Life is busy. Life is getting busier. It will likely not slow down anytime soon. Or become any easier. So yes, life is here and now and all about what we do with it.

And it is okay. For the first time in a long time, it is okay. I am not looking to escape it, just get through it with some small measure of grace and maybe a little bit of peace left over.

Chatting with the hubs is good. He completes me in ways I never really think about. And I think I do that for him as well. How blessed I am to have him. Ask me on a different day and my response may not be quite the same but it will still in fact be true.

So we chatted about our kiddos, all 6 plus 1 plus 1 grand) We chatted about extended family. We chatted about Bible study and new jobs and new people in our lives. We chatted about vacations and plans for our future. We chatted about our home, paint and windows and stuff and we chatted about incomes and cars (still loving our new little KIA). We chatted about health and the lack thereof. We chatted about friends.

And finally we chatted about chatting. We need to chat. We need to make time to do this. We need to never stop doing this.

Oh and did I mention? My dear man? He is not a talker. Nope. Not many words there with him. If it needs to be said? He will say it but he is not . . .well, he is not a chatter. Funny, I never noticed tonight and I heard so much in those few minutes of bedtime conversation. Perhaps it is because I needed to hear.

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