Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Time Marches On

Did you ever find yourself in the middle of something that you had been plannning to do for a while but had continually put off for some reason? Tonight my perspective changed and I realized why I had been putting this "chore" off. It was yet another milestone being reached. And I'm not so sure I was fully ready for it to happen.

Call me crazy as anyone who has spent anytime with me in the last 5 years will tell you, I have been crazy at times, but I was not ready to admit time indeed is marching on. All my bellyaching about two more toddlers and haven't I already done this four times already and will diapers and babies never end. . .well , tonight before I knew what hit me, Mark was finally ready to help me out and take the crib down. For the very last time. For one of our children. Ever. Five of our six have slept in this crib, it is no treasure but it is our crib. Our babies each slept there. But our last baby is three years old however that happened.

Not only did we take the crib down, but we took all of her nursery stuff down/out as well, crib quilt off the wall, matching valences down, changing table removed from room, dust ruffle folded up and every receiving blanket neatly stacked and removed from the room. Call me crazy but I was getting choked up! Then we moved across the hall and "borrowed/relocated" a five shelf bookcase from Emory's room and moved it in. The room is far from done but we sure made a big mess and it will be done soon as company is a coming and that is what initiated this change it up~switcharoo now as I may have continued to put it off forever otherwise!

Now don't be too concerned as this last little one doesn't quite know how to "sleep alone" and still spends most nights someplace in her Mommy and Daddy's bedroom still. I have never had this before with any of the others and I try to be upset by it but it's hard to be too upset ya know?

When I tired of working on that end of the hall, I moved into the teenage daughters room and set to work helping her clean. Yet another bin full of "Mom, I just don't want/need/have room for this stuff anymore, can I get rid of it?" Why would my 13 year old not want her Snow White costume any longer or her very last golden books or the canvas craft project from a 4 year old birthday party I ask! What is my life coming to?

Maybe some of this. If blogger would let me post my pictures you would see a picture of a gorgeous sunset the DH and I watched on the beach 1000 miles away without the kids a few weeks back. Maybe the whole growing up/time marching on thing is okay after all.

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