Tuesday, July 25, 2006

gas prices and choices

At $3.03 a gallon at the gas pump there are some subtle changes around here.

Do I really need to run to WalMart because I'm out of diet soda?

Do the kids really need to go to Gamestop to price new games or look for accessories?

Should I go to the Moms in Touch brunch on the other side of town?

Should I really try to do more than 6 errands at a time with a cranky 15 month old missing her nap?

Should we skip the State Fair this year (good hour+ drive away) or pop over to the beach after for the evening (another 45 minute drive)?

Should we hang out on opposite side of town for an extra two hours to go to 6 'oclock worship service just because I missed it this morning due to kids colds? (otherwise it is another 50 mile round trip to go home and me come back alone). . .

and on and on it goes.

Has anyone else been second guessing their usually straight forward decisions about where to go and when?

I don't drive a huge SUV ( I would though if I could afford one, hey! I have 6 kids!) but I also don't drive a compact either.

I'm not poor by any standard: world or US but I'm sure not rich either.(monatarily anyway)

In the middle of making all these decisions comes Bible School. Now any good christian Mom knows it is a given you will allow your child to attend such a wholesome activity. I normally would be on staff in fact. Not so with Jillian's health this year.
Built in excuse right? or no?

My oldest at home is to old for VBS, my 2 youngest are still to young if I'm not on staff. So we are talking one child. (huge sigh) Not just any child. This is to be her last VBS year then off to Jr. Hi. This invovles many after VBS trips. It is built up to an unbelievable measure.

I resist signing her up and she is handling it well (so far as I hear/know about) but at the last minute the guilt is eating me up. After all, we did drive down to the fair, (skipped the shore after) I did run to WalMart for non essentials a few times, and I did go out one night and pick up/drop off a friend who has a tighter budget than mine just to socialize. . .

Oh boy! So we are going to VBS. (9am-12:15pm) Monday they are to meet back at church for tubing down the river ($$)at 1:30pm-4pm) what to do??? Remember 50 mile round trip.

Tuesday again (9:00am-12:15pm) except my meeting with missions staff member goes over a bit and I still have to get gas (any wonder) and stamps on way home (wouldn't want to go out of way) .

Wednesday "graduating" kiddos have a field trip ($$)which will get them back to church late, around 3pm.

Thursday is pretty straight forward, 9:00am-12:15pm, oh and the 7pm program for parents to show them what we've been doing all week.

Friday we're done. It's big fun day, bring your younger sibs and enjoy the rides, moonbounce, etc.

It's only Tuesday and I'm to tired and poor to think about it anymore! Did I mention hubby and I pay($$) teenager to babysit when it is "over and above" regular duties/hours. . . more money. It is just not worth 1 and 3 year olds missing 5 days worth of naps and their regular schedules have them still in bed for another 1/2 hour after we've left in morning.

all that to say next week we really will eat beans and spaghetti I suppose!

But here's the thing. Both days so far my 11 year old daughter has thanked me profusely for taking her, letting her go, told me I am the best Mom in the whole world and offered her own money to pay for activities. She loves Jesus and getting to go hear about him for 3 hours is just a huge deal to her right now. How could I say no? Where are my priorities? Guess I may be scimping on the diet coke for a bit too.


Susan said...

Hi, love your front door by the way.
I read down your blog and you were talking about petrol prices.
I was reading this week about petrol (err Gas) prices in the US here http://agracioushome.com/?p=686
I'm from the UK by the way. And could not believe how cheep it was, about £1.60 for a gallon, it's about £4.60 per gallon here. That's about $8 and a half US dollars, and the price keeps going up.
Thank goodness we only have one small car.
It is a problem for lots here in the UK especially if your work place is far from your home.

peppylady (Dora) said...

gas prices, ouch I'm paying $2.99 at the pump.

Melzie said...

Our church is 23 miles one way and we just had bible school last week too. I sucked it up and went and honestly the gas never really ran out ;) God provided I guess. And church provided suppers (night bible school) so that saved us some money. I enjoy your blog (found via home tour) and will drop back for another visit :) xoxo melzie